[XWARN] Youngs Jersey Dairy Charity Bike Tour

Michael Crawford kc8gle at earthlink.net
Thu Sep 17 06:28:46 CDT 2020

The Youngs Jersey Dairy Charity Bike Tour will be taking place again this year. 

However it will be only a ONE day event and will be held on Saturday September 26th.

The course will be the bottom half of the same course we use for the TWO day ride.  I will have final maps in a couple weeks hopefully.

Bike riders will be able to register and hit the road anytime when they want.  There will be NO gathering of everyone for a single start.

MANY other measures will also be taken at the rest stops to limit "gatherings" of people and too promote safe practices to prevent COVID spread. 

We will need a number of operators to "patrol" the course to see if anyone needs help.  Please let me know if you can help! 

Mike Crawford  KC8GLE

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