[XWARN] Ham radio volunteers needed for upcoming events

Bob Baker N8ADO n8ado at woh.rr.com
Wed Aug 30 11:32:37 CDT 2023

Seeking ham radio volunteers to support upcoming events:

Registration closes for the Air Force Marathon on August 31.
(The event is Saturday, September 16)
Scroll down for instructions on how to register as a volunteer.

Holiday at Home Parade and 5K
Monday, Sept. 4
Logistics and safety for the 5k race and the parade
contact: Shawna N2TUJ  sjcollins at woh.rr.com

Young's Ice Cream Charity Bike Tour
Saturday, Sept 9.     8 am start, typically done before 5pm
We need quite a few more volunteers to make this happen!
Need lots of volunteers to cover the course which winds through Clark, 
Champaign, and Logan Counties.
To sign up, please email Janese KD8DGB  kd8dgb at yahoo.com

Tour de Gem  Charity Bike Ride
Sunday, October 1
Start/Finish is Riverscape Park, Several ride options up to 100 miles 
over parts of Montgomery and Greene Counties.
We provide course marshal and safety spotter services.
contact: n8ado at woh.rr.com

To volunteer for the Air Force Marathon:
Go to the web page usafmarathon.com/volunteer/ and select VOLUNTEER NOW. 
You will be redirected to the portal at raceroster.com where you will 
need to create an account. Select VOLUNTEER and sign in. Select the 
pull-down list under "Volunteer With Us", scroll down and select 
"Volunteer on Saturday, September 16th, 2023". Continue to scroll down 
and fill out the required information. Be sure to include your Call Sign 
in the appropriate box. Below that box, under "Amateur Radio Operator" 
click the box for "Add to order". Continue to the bottom of the page and 
select your t-shirt size. "CONTINUE" to submit your registration.

Also, please report that you have signed in by sending a message with 
your name and callsign (and preferred email, if different from the 
account you sent it from) to AFM.Hams at gmail.com

If you have questions, use AFM.Hams at gmail.com.

As the race date nears, you will receive an invitation to a training 
session and a link to the training materials, assignment list, and 
communications plan.

Bob Baker N8ADO
Volunteer Lead for Amateur Radio Support to the the Air Force Marathon

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